Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I have this friend, Privani. We met when we were both studying at Rhodes University. Priv, as she likes to be called was born and bred in Durban, but like all her cuzzies she has moved up to Johannesburg much to my delight. She has been here for awhile and I have still not paid her a visit - shocking, I know! This will be rectified on Saturday as she has invited Garth and I for supper.

Now the reason why Priv and I are such good friends is because we share a brain cell - probably the only one we have and this often results in us talking (or writing) twak

Take for example this email she sent me:
"I shall be the catalyst, the glue, the life force, the mediator, the jam in the sandwich, the cherry in the cocktail, the blanket on the bed, the tea bag in the tea pot, the heat in the iron, the laces on the shoe, the moon in the sky, the pig in the mud, the loo paper in the tolilet, the flowers in the vase, the card in the envelope, the clap in the applause, the sore in the bandage, the flour in the cake, the idiot in the village, the animal in the catch my drift right?"

Gotta love that Privani - Mart

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