My eldest sister, Andrea has three children each from a different father. Before you jump to any conclusions (after all she is also hails from Springs) about my sister, her children are her dogs - Derrick, Freddy and Ike.
Derrick is a pedigree poodle who has a rag-to-riches tale. Derrick was found wondering the streets of Brakpan and soon found himself in the lush suburb of Dowerglen. Since his adoption, Derrick has been living the high life and can often been seen snacking on biltong while lying on his very own doggie bed.
Freddy is the apple of his mother's eye and this means that he can not wrong. Freddy was born in a shelter as his biological mother was rescued from a breeding center in Soweto. He was shy and skinny pup when he was adopted. Now, he is a spoiled, big-boned (read fat) and cute.
Ike is the newest addition to the family. Andrea sends the boys to doggie day care when she is at work and Ike was a resident at the shelter there. Andrea took pity on the rat-like creature and added him to her brood.
Andrea's children are the loves of her life but who am I to judge her for this as a Kennedy once said, "dogs are miracles with paws" and I tend to agree - Mart
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