This is a snap of Garth's brother, doing what he loves best: EATING!
His name is Geoffrey George Wastie and makes me laugh. He is revoltingly a heterosexual most of the time and will make some girl happy one day (she may need chemical assistance from time to time). Geoff is the brains of the family; someone had to be the gorgeous one! He is bound to be loaded. There is a 10 years age gap between us and we’ve never had a fight.
DOB: 19 Nov 1987
Humour: Excellent
Brains: Too much
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Weight: Chubby (loves to call himself the Chubby Jesus)
Height: Shorter than me by a lot
Colours: Likes army and khaki greens, will throw in a splash of orange or pink (that’s the gay helping there) from time to time.
Religion: Probably a mixed bag: some Christian (loves Christmas); some Jewish (studying to be a CA); some Hare Krishna (sees the good)
Mags: FHM and Nag
Hobbies: Eating, drinking and “thinking”
Hates: Rice, parsley and Friday night clients at the Video Shop
Loves: Mom’s melktart and his Xbox
Car: Opel Corsa Light dub the Frog due its olive green colour
Bad Traits: Most heterosexual stuff like leaving washing on the floor and dirty dishes
Bestest thing: Will bake a cake just for him should he get the craving
Favourite Beverage: Generally if it is wet he’ll drink it even if it is not his. If there is a
percentage of alcohol even better. Bonus points if it is free
Girl Status: Single
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